Secure Domain

Last Updated: August 31, 2020
Kritik takes user data use & storage extremely seriously & we have implemented the necessary technical safeguards to ensure all user data is securely stored.

Kritik's Domain

Kritik's domain, is owned and operated by Kritik and utilizes its own IP address when sending emails.

Kritik utilizes both SPF and DKIM protocols to protect from any sort of potential phishing or spoofing attack. While unlikely to occur, we took these extra precautions to ensure your students are continuously safeguarded when using Kritik.

Kritik has taken the necessary steps to ensure a secure domain so that no one has access to student emails or the ability to tamper with our account to send emails on our behalf.

Given the security measures we've undertaken, we ask that our domain, be whitelisted to ensure effective email communication between Kritik and your students.

Why Kritik should be whitelisted
Ensuring Kritik can freely email students is essential in reducing the administrative tasks for professors. Kritik's platform will routinely email students to notify them of upcoming assignments or messages coordinated by professors.