Leadership Skills
in STEM Courses
Use peer assessment to provide an engaging
and inclusive learning experience.
Join over 200,000 users across 250+ institutions using Kritik

Why do STEM instructors use Kritik in their courses?

Learn through Peer Evaluation
By doing peer evaluations, students get insights into how their classmates approached the problem, thereby adding to their knowledge.

Improve Collaboration Skills
With an interactive peer learning experience, students learn how to work together as a team and how to give each other constructive feedback.

Assist with Content Retention
The peer assessment process enables students to revisit the content through their peers’ work, thereby reinforcing course concepts.
Here’s what Instructors using Kritik have to say
“Kritik came as a solution when I had TA budget issues. Now, I believe this is the right way to administer assessments!”
Laura Reid
Lecturer of Computer Science
Western University
“Using Kritik in my asynchronous class helped students to interact with each other, that wasn’t possible otherwise.”
Mary Armour
Associate Professor, Science, Technology & Society
York University
“Students learn to accept feedback from their peers and are definitely more engaged in a group setting.”
Rania Al-Hamoud
Associate Chair, Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Waterloo
Peer Assessment Use Cases

Wendy Krause
Associate Professor
NC State University

John Hopkins
Louisiana State University

Jonathan Wisco
Associate Professor
Boston University

Patrick Speissegger
McMaster University
How we make a difference
Student Reflections on Kritik
My critical thinking skills improved
as a result of using Kritik.
My communication skills improved
as a result of using Kritik.
I learned by evaluating my peers’
work using Kritik.

Kritik allowed me to quickly receive
personalized feedback on my work.
Less Time Grading, More Time Coaching
Book a personalized walkthrough of Kritik with our experts
to see how we can make the tool work for you!