Leadership Skills
in Humanities Courses
Use peer assessment to provide an engaging
and inclusive learning experience.
Join over 200,000 users across 250+ institutions using Kritik

Why do Humanities instructors use Kritik in their courses?

Exposure to Diverse Perspectives
The peer assessment process gives students an opportunity to critique each others’ work while giving them a window-seat view of their peers’ take on the subject.

Learn by Giving Constructive Feedback
Writing helpful and actionable feedback forces students to dig deeper and think through how their peers can improve the quality of their submissions.

Drives Student Engagement
Kritik enables an interactive learning experience that incentivizes students by making them accountable for their peers’ learning and keeping them engaged.
Here’s what Instructors using Kritik have to say
“My students get a broad range of feedback that enhances their learning experience.”
Laura Freberg
Professor, Psychology
California Polytechnic State University
“The quality of engagement has become richer with Kritik”
Jane Barnette
Associate Professor, Dance & Theatre
The University of Kansas
“My students are able to see the mistakes their classmates made and incorporate them into their learning.”
Valentina Kozlova
Full Teaching Professor,Economics
University of Alberta
Peer Assessment Use Cases

Günther Jikeli
Associate Professor, Jewish & Germanic Studies
Indiana University

Mayu Nishimura
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
McMaster University

Karen Sunabacka
Associate Professor, Music
University of Waterloo

Erin Panda
Assistant Professor, Child & Youth Studies
Brock University
How we make a difference
Student Reflections on Kritik
My critical thinking skills improved
as a result of using Kritik.
My communication skills improved
as a result of using Kritik.
I learned by evaluating my peers’
work using Kritik.

Kritik allowed me to quickly receive
personalized feedback on my work.
Less Time Grading, More Time Coaching
Book a personalized walkthrough of Kritik with our experts
to see how we can make the tool work for you!