Powerful tools at your fingertips

Kritik provides solutions to reduce administrative workload, enhance student learning, and leverage AI to create your assignments and rubrics within minutes!

Join over 200,000 users across 250+ institutions using Kritik

AI Course Creator New

Upload your syllabus into Kritik to receive multiple peer assessment style ready-to-use assignments and rubrics.

Instructors can make their assignments AI-proof to reduce cheating.

Instructors save hours designing assessments.

Instructors can create individual, group and presentation style assessments.

AI Rubric Generator New

Along with our ready-to-use customizable rubrics templates, instructors can create their rubrics with AI with a simple click of a button!

Make your rubrics as detailed or simple as you want with AI.

Copy over your rubrics from a previously taught course.

Consult with Instructional Designer to set up your rubrics.

Calibration Activity

Instructors can set a benchmark that calibrates the grading power of all students close to theirs when submissions are first evaluated by the instructor.

Students get familiar with the peer assessment process.

Grading power re-calibrates as students do more evaluations.

Fewer grading disputes, as students have clear expectations.

Grading Power

Using a 6-star rating system, each student builds their grading power by doing more evaluations throughout the semester.

Better quality evaluations result in higher grading power.

More peer evaluations improve grading power.

Evaluations contribute to the grade based on the grading power.

Feedback on feedback

Students can rate and respond to the evaluations given by their peers, closing the 360-degree feedback loop.

Students become accountable to give helpful feedback.

Students can apply the feedback received in future submissions.

Students stay engaged until they receive feedback.


Highlight great-quality evaluations for students to learn how they can give good-quality feedback.

Recognize evaluations as Innovative or Above & Beyond.

Set the right expectation for giving helpful feedback.

Students get access to critical feedback to improve their work.

Rubric Templates

Ready-to-use rubrics templates that can be customized based on your course to effectively measure the learning objectives.

Make your rubrics as detailed or simple as you want.

Build your rubrics from a previously taught course.

Consult with Instructional Designer to set up your rubrics.

Insights & Analytics

See how students progress through each stage of the peer assessment process and provide support where needed.

Class performance and engagement trends.

Types of grading disputes.

Quality of peer evaluations.

Live Chat Support

Our 24/7 Live Chat Support is available for students and instructors to get the resolution to their queries instantly!

Students facing technical issues can reach out.

Request changes to the assignment deadline.

Submit new feature requests.

Effective Collaborations via Peer Assessment

See how peer assessment can enable meaningful interactions
that contribute to an engaging learning experience!