Future of Peer Assessment at Bay Area Schools!

Your students will experience an anonymous 360-degree peer feedback loop with Kritik.

Join over 200,000 users across 250+ institutions using Kritik

Why do Institutions Partner with Kritik?

Improves Grading Efficiency

Kritik enables instructors to use templates and evaluation rubrics for formative assignments with minimal manual work saving time and encouraging quality responses.

Builds Essential Soft Skills

Kritik enables instructors to design group and individual assignments supporting multiple pedagogical approaches building leadership and soft skills that prepare them for the workforce.

Drives Student Engagement

Kritik enables an interactive peer learning experience that incentivizes students by making them accountable for each others’ learning and engaged with their course content till the end.

Why do Instructors use Kritik?

“My students get a broad range of feedback that enhances their learning experience.”

Laura Freberg
Professor, Psychology
California Polytechnic State University

“I was able to improve student engagement in my class with 1600+ students”

Alex Gainer
Associate Lecturer of Economics
University of Alberta

“Kritik came as a solution when I had TA budget issues. Now, I believe this is the right way to administer assessments!”

Laura Reid
Lecturer of Computer Science
Western University

How we make a difference

Student Reflections of Kritik

of students agreed that Kritik helped them learn the course content better.

of students agreed that Kritik enabled quick and personalized feedback on their work.

of students agreed that they learned by reading the evaluations from their peers.

Top Resources

Peer Assessment to Develop
Higher-Order Thinking Skills


The Validity of Peer Scores
and Peer Feedback

Research Paper

Team-Based Learning with
Peer Assessment

Case Study

Top 5 Skills Employers Seek*

*Data Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Outlook Survey

Critical Thinking

Fact: Employers want to hire talent that brings the ability to think independently and the hunger to evaluate multiple solutions.

Peer assessment as a solution: Exposes students to diverse perspectives that enable them to ask better questions.


Fact: Effective communication in the workplace can be transformative for individuals and teams.

Peer assessment as a solution: Enables students to practice giving helpful and actionable feedback.


Fact: Collaborating and learning from each other’s strengths can only result in innovative solutions and higher success.

Peer assessment as a solution: Encourages students to learn from team members' and other groups’ submissions.

Work Ethic

Fact: Employers look for self-motivated candidates who can multitask and manage their time well.

Peer assessment as a solution: Facilitates timely feedback in multiple stages that develops ownership and accountability.


Fact: Employers look for candidates who take initiative and are able to manage expectations for the success of the project.

Peer assessment as a solution: Inspires students to learn to provide both critical and motivational feedback to their peers.

Critical Thinking

Fact: Employers want to hire talent that brings the ability to think independently and the hunger to evaluate multiple solutions.

Peer assessment as a solution:
Exposes students to diverse perspectives that enable them to ask better questions.


Fact: Effective communication in the workplace can be transformative for individuals and teams.

Peer assessment as a solution:
Enables students to practice giving helpful and actionable feedback that can improve their work quality.


Fact: Collaborating and learning from each other’s strengths can only result in innovative solutions and higher success.

Peer assessment as a solution:
Encourages students to learn from team members' and other groups’ submissions.

Work Ethic

Fact: Employers look for self-motivated candidates who can multitask and manage their time well.

Peer assessment as a solution:
Facilitates timely feedback by participation in multiple stages that develops ownership and accountability.


Fact: Employers look for candidates who take initiative and are able to manage expectations for the success of the project.

Peer assessment as a solution:
Inspires students to learn to provide feedback to their peers by balancing being both motivational and helpful.

Frequently asked questions

Your most important questions answered

What’s the pricing model for Kritik?

Kritik offers two payment models: Student-pay and Institution-pay. The student-pay model costs $29 per license per course to use Kritik, while to implement the Institution-pay model, you can get in touch with our team to discuss pricing and the number of licenses required.

Is feedback from one student to another anonymous?

Yes - all feedback and peer-to-peer evaluations are anonymous, with the exception of assignment types, such as videos, where students are required to show their faces. Of course, as professors, you can see student names.

How to encourage REAL evaluations and suppress fraudulent generic assessments?

The fact that the evaluations are anonymous helps address this. Additionally, in the third stage of Kritik, the feedback-on-feedback stage especially helps promote the depth and helpfulness of the assessments. If students produce generic assessments, this will affect their Grading Power and how much their evaluation contributes to their peers' final grade.

Do I have to sign a long-term contract?

Kritik can be purchased by semester or with an annual subscription.

What does LMS integration mean?

Kritik integrates with the most commonly used LMS platforms, including Canvas, Blackboard, D2L, Moodle, and Coursera.  It allows for Single Sign On, Roster Sync, and Grade Sync.

Kritik offers our students a higher degree of engagement in their own learning by reflecting on their work and that of their peers. Learning how to provide feedback is an important skill to practice, particularly for future business professionals who will often lead teams and manage diverse organizations. We are excited to partner with Kritik in providing our students with this type of learning.

Leo Wong

Associate Dean, Education, Alberta School of Business

We are pleased to offer Kritik to Brandon University students after a successful pilot project by some faculty. Using Kritik can help BU students learn to provide quality feedback to their peers, reducing the turnaround time for feedback and supporting learning in discipline-specific criteria.

Curt Shoultz

Director, Centre for Teaching, Learning & Technology, Brandon University

Kritik and the pedagogy surrounding peer assessment will become part of the new normal post-COVID, far past online/remote class offerings. One of the biggest challenges that many of us educators face is releasing control; that is always a big stumbling block. However, by empowering students to assess each other, educators are becoming stronger mentors and coaches.

Sherry Weaver

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs, University of Calgary

Effective Collaborations via Peer Assessment

See how peer assessment can enable meaningful interactions
that contribute to an engaging learning experience!