Improve the Student Learning Experience with Peer Assessment
Deliver an engaging learning experience that improves student productivity, and comprehension of course content.
Join over 200,000 users across 250+ institutions using Kritik

Empower student learning
Peer assessment empowers students by giving them a role in the assessment process, encouraging them to take responsibility for their learning and that of their peers. This empowerment can lead to a more motivated and engaged learning experience.
Provide quick feedback to students.
The biggest challenge when it comes to learning is getting feedback from instructors. With traditional learning methods it can often take weeks just to get personalized feedback on your work. This makes the learning process more time-consuming for students. With Kritik, students see feedback in just days, allowing them to learn quicker, and stay productive.

How we make a difference
Student Reflections on Kritik
Supercharge student learning!
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