University of Waterloo Faculty-Led Workshop on Peer Learning

Dr. Heidi Engelhardt
University of Waterloo
Dr. David Wang
University of Waterloo
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Dr. Engelhardt and Dr. Wang have had success using peer assessment in their classes. In this workshop video we dive into their teaching strategies, specific assignments and assessment criteria to get a sense of how they have used Kritik to facilitate peer assessment.

Have you incorporated peer assessment in your classes? Are you looking for new and proven ways to engage students? Learn from professors implementing these teaching strategies in their class. Whether you teach courses big, or small, online, or virtual there is something to gain from these two professors.

Specific topics include:

  • Effective implementation of peer assessment in STEM, writing and creative assignments
  • Best practices of implementing peer assessment in small and large classrooms
  • How to prepare your students for peer evaluations
  • Implementing group-based learning with peer evaluation
  • Impact on student engagement, understanding of course concepts, social interactions and accountability
  • A short walkthrough of Kritik's AI-driven peer assessment platform and key features
  • Q/A discussion with Dr. Engelhardt and Dr. Wang

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