Building Critical Thinking Skills through Peer Assessment in Psychology

Dr. Alexis Thompson
University at Buffalo
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Critical thinking skills is one of the key skills that employers are looking for in fresh graduates. Keeping this in mind, Dr. Alexis Thompson decided to use peer assessment with her first-year psychology students to give them a head start.

Peer assessment encouraged participation and gave her students the opportunity to give critical and actionable feedback on each others' work that resulted in better quality work. Students became more accountable for each others' learning that helped build a community of trust.

Fill in the form to view the workshop we had with Dr. Alexis Thompson as she walked us through her assignments and rubrics and how she leveraged Kritik to build critical thinking skills via peer assessment.

What to expect:

  • Learnings and strong practices when implementing peer assessment
  • Preparing students for peer evaluations
  • Peer assessment activity examples in psychology courses
  • Live discussion focusing on improving collaboration, reflection, and work quality
  • Impact on student engagement, understanding of course concepts, social interactions, and accountability
  • A short walkthrough of Kritik's peer assessment platform and key features
  • 15 minutes of Q&A

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